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[Internship proposal] Extraction and analysis of semantic proximity networks in the media coverage of a historical event

Internship proposal

Title: Extraction and analysis of semantic proximity networks in the media coverage
of a historical event

Keywords: Complex networks, Sociophysics, Digital humanities

In collaboration with Sophie Gebeil, MCF and researcher at the TELEMMe Laboratory
(CNRS UMR 7303), we offer an internship on the analysis of media coverage
of one historical event on the web, namely the 1983 “Marche pour l’égalité et contre
le racisme”. The aim is to perform a semantic analysis of a corpus of web pages covering
the event and its commemoration and to compute semantic proximity between
the different pages. From these proximity measures we can then build a proximity
network, which analysis will give insights about the structure of the media sphere
around this particular event, and about its evolution.
The project is exploratory: the topic is new and the aim is to test methods for the
quantitative study of historical data. For this particular case, we combine tools from
computer science and network science to make sense of a rich corpus of online data.
The project is interdisciplinary: the internship is paired with another internship
at the TELEMMe laboratory; work will involve close interactions with researchers
from social and historical sciences.

• Master student in Physics, Complex systems, Computational social science.
• Good proficiency in Python.
• Some knowledge of HTML and semantic analysis would be useful.
• Interest in complex networks, digital humanities and interdisciplinary work is a

Duration: 4 to 6 months between January and and June 2023
Application deadline: December 15, 2022
Location: Centre de Physique Théorique (CNRS UMR 7332), Marseille, France.
Mathieu Génois, Maître de Conférences AMU, Researcher at the CPT.